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Frequently Asked Questions for Craters & Freighters Nashville

下面是我们最常被问到的问题的答案. 如果您有一个问题,没有解决,请联系十大网络彩票平台大全 & Freighters Nashville.

General FAQs

  • 降低成本:LTL托运人只需支付所用卡车的部分费用.
  • Heightened safety: Typically, LTL货物与其他物品放在托盘或撬上,并包装在一起以保护,而不是在拖车中松散的许多集装箱, allowing more movement.
  • 自定义解决方案:LTL托运人通常提供诸如升降门之类的解决方案, pickup and delivery options, and others.
  • 易于跟踪:使用各种跟踪十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金,您始终知道您的物品在哪里.
Can LTL be used in ocean transport?
Less than a truckload (LTL) shipments, 在海洋运输中被称为少于集装箱装载(LCL)的货物, 为企业提供高效、低成本的小批量货物运输解决方案. 通过了解LTL/LCL出货的优势和流程, 企业可以利用这种方法来优化他们的物流操作, maximize container space utilization, 并在他们的海洋运输努力中实现成本节约.
How much does LTL cost?

As with any shipment, there are numerous things to consider when establishing the price for your less-than-truckload shipment; some include:

  • Distance between locations
  • Size and weight of items to be shipped
  • Special handling or custom services needed
  • Expedited shipments
How do you prepare LTL shipments?

Our process is streamlined:

我们确定物品的精确尺寸,以避免意外或超出成本,并确保每个物品都适合拖车, maximizing space
We package each item using the optimal materials and equipment, label each container, 为了节省空间和安全的原因,把物品装到托盘上

What are the special LTL services you provide?
  • 使您的资产比标准时间更快地到达目的地
  • 需要时,为重量超过100磅的物品提供升降门服务
  • 内部拾取和交付的项目,需要在您的位置内取走,并在您的位置内丢弃
  • 对于难以到达或空间有限的地点,可能需要困难或有限的访问服务, 比如拥挤的停车场和施工区域
  • Cargo insurance for your valuables
Why should I ship LTL and not parcel?
If your shipment is over 150 pounds, LTL offers great rates, 指导和沟通整个运输过程, 以及一些定制的解决方案,使体验更快, easy, and streamlined.

Shipping FAQs

How will my item(s) be shipped?


Do you ship nationwide?

Yes. 我们目前在全国拥有超过65个独立拥有和经营的特许经营地点,专门从事国内和国际十大网络彩票平台大全. 无论您是住宅客户还是商业客户, 我们可以协助您满足您所有的物流需求.

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we do! 十大网络彩票平台大全进一步的信息,报价和可用性. Please see our International Shipping page for more information.

Do you pick up and deliver?

Yes, we offer pickup and delivery services. Visit our Pickup & Delivery page for more information.

Can you provide white-glove delivery?

是的,我们提供白手套服务,作为运输的附加选项. Visit our White-Glove Delivery page for more information




Yes! Please see our Art & Antiques page.


Yes, please see our Military & Government Shipping page.


Yes, we do! Please see our Heavy Equipment Crating & Shipping page.

Do you provide estate shipping services?

Yes, Please see our Estate & Trust Shipping page for more information.

Commercial FAQs

Do you ship containers?


Do you offer debris removal?



是的,我们可以按照CFR、IMDG和国际民航组织的规定包装和运输大多数危险物品. Please visit our Hazmat Shipping page for more information.

Crating FAQs

Are all of your crates/boxes custom made?

Yes, each container is custom-designed and built 以适应您要运送的物品的需要.

Do you handle sensitive electronic equipment?

Yes, please visit our IT & Electronics page for details.

Do you provide ISPM 15 crates for export?

Yes, we have extensive knowledge of ISPM 15 policies and regulations.

What are the requirements for ISPM 15 crates?

国际植物检疫措施标准. 要求所有实木包装材料经过热处理,并加盖官方标志. ISPM 15要求适用于所有硬木和软木(针叶树和非针叶树)包装材料. 本标准不适用于完全由人造木制品(如胶合板)制成的木质包装, particle board, oriented strand board, or products created using glue, heat and pressure or a combination of these. The second alternative, Fumigation with Methyl Bromide (MB), 虽然仍然可以接受,但由于环境原因正在逐步淘汰. 熏蒸器必须在该计划中注册,以便颁发ALSC质量标志. 致出口商的重要提示:ISPM 15的要求适用于所有针叶树(软木)和非针叶树(硬木)包装材料,包括垫料. U.S. 检验机构控制ALSC质量标志的签发, 质量标志的存在确保在美国生产的WPM.S. 并且出口符合进口国的规定. 贸易伙伴正在其进口条例中采用ISPM15. 作为美国国家植物保护组织, the United States Department of Agriculture, 配合木质包装材料行业, 是否制定出口计划以保证符合贸易国的进口要求. 该计划确保木质包装材料的国际贸易认证处理和标记, 同时保持包装材料的可追溯性. 该计划的完整性取决于行业的合规性.

Do you do on-site crating?

Yes, we can provide on-site crating at your place of business.

Do you make reusable crates?

Yes! 节省时间,精力和金钱,让我们为您设计和建造一个 reusable crate无论是用于贸易展览还是其他目的.

Do you provide heat shrink wrapping?

Yes, please visit our Heat Shrink Wrapping page for more information.